MIAMI BEACH, Fla. - Aug. 22, 2020 - The book author platform Manybooks published an interview with the author of the movie screenplay and book "JoinWith.Me," under the heading "Do We Control Technology or Does Technology Control Us?"
The occasion of the "Author of the Day" interview is that the screenplay of Mike Meier is now available on as an eBook and Paperback. JoinWith.Me is a dystopian thriller that explores timely questions: whether we control technology or it controls us; the singularity horizon where AI crosses the threshold into self-awareness; the enduring power of human connection; and the ultimate destiny of humankind.
Your novel explores the question whether we control technology or it controls us. Which do you believe?
Now you are asking a really tough question. In my story, it controls us because it comes to life, it is no longer mere artificial intelligence. At that point, should that ever happen, it is certainly technology that controls us. That's why I quote Goethe's Sorcerer's Apprentice (better known to most Americans as the Mickey Mouse Fantasia story) at the beginning: "Wrong I was in calling Spirits, I avow, For I find them galling, Cannot rule them now." Until that point, there is a chance for us to control technology, if only she weren't such a seductive enchantress. Most cannot resist.
The complete interview is at:
On Amazon:
JoinWith.Me, movie screenplay and book by Mike Meier