August 18, 2020 - Georgetown attorney and the endorsed Republican gubernatorial candidate, Julianne Murray, challenged Governor John Carney to condemn Antifa and the violence the organization has conducted. Murray said without reservation, Antifa must be condemned and called out for what it is – a domestic terrorist organization. Murray echoed United States Attorney General Bill Barr and said that Antifa is a new form of urban warfare in American cities. Murray said that Delaware must be protected from the violence that citizens have witnessed in Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, and Chicago. She noted that Governor Carney has remained silent on Antifa and lawlessness in Delaware. Murray said that Delaware needs a governor who will protect its citizens.
“Delawareans should know where its leaders stand in regards to Antifa and its violence,” said Julianne Murray. “My position is very simple - I condemn Antifa and its actions totally and unequivocally. I ask John Carney, “do YOU condemn Antifa and its violence?”
“This is a very simple issue, do you stand with law abiding citizens and law enforcement or do you stand with Antifa and its terrorism,” continued Murray. “I am sure Governor Carney will need to consult his donors and advisers, and polls before he answers the question. That is the classic Carney style - never take a stand, make yet another ‘indecision-decision.’”
Contact Information
David Johnson
Strategic Visionpr Group
677 Main Street
Suwanee, GA
Voice: 404-380-1079