CAPE COD, Mass. - Aug. 18, 2020 -Born out of the lack of unified national response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the lack of a space for collective mourning, the Grief to Art site is now live and accepting anecdotes and photos to commemorate those lost to the virus. There are Walls of Remembrance dedicated to those who have died from the virus, and for other deaths/mourning.
The site, conceived and created by novelist/playwright/radio writer Devon Ellington, is accepting photos and short, positive anecdotes about lost loved ones, with submissions information listed on the site's submission page. "I wrote a lot of cards and letters to people during the stay-at-home," says Ellington. "The escalating number of envelopes marked 'Return To Sender – Deceased' ate away at me. The way the government has dismissed the ever-escalating loss of life is unacceptable. I needed to DO something. This is both a national and a global tragedy. We need a place to mourn. In light of the pandemic, a virtual site makes sense."
The site has Walls of Remembrance, links to articles about handling grief, and a meditation page. Eventually, it will expand to share excerpts from art, poetry, plays, songs, dance, photography, and other art forms that were inspired by grief and mourning.
"Grief can inspire art that is both transformative and cathartic," says Ellington. "I want the site to share excerpts of those experiences, although it is not and will not become a 'market' for work. It is a space to share, grieve, and begin to heal."
Visit the site at for more information and guidelines to submit a joyful anecdote about a lost loved one.