In today’s world, presentations have become very common and popular; this is because they play a very pivotal role in educating the masses on a given subject. Whether you’re listening to a speaker at a TED talk event or simply attending a school presentation, there’s something most people can agree on; listening to a boring presentation is a huge turnoff. For this reason, it’s always advisable for one to prepare adequately before giving his or her presentation. In order to make your PowerPoint presentation stand out, there are certain aspects you definitely have to master.
A good starting point is by ensuring your presentation remains relevant and engaging; you can easily achieve this with the help of a good template. Nowadays, there are numerous websites that offer stunning PowerPoint templates. Be sure to check the ones that are offered by HiSlide; you’ll find a plethora of cool PowerPoint templates that’ll definitely give your presentation a facelift.
A great PowerPoint presentation isn’t a mere fluke; it’s something that has to be carefully thought out and thoroughly planned. To give you a complete rundown of how to make an exceptional PowerPoint Presentation, here are some of the things you ought to include when creating your next presentation.
Slide Composition
The first thing you should completely keep away from is copying and pasting slides from different sources; doing so will make your presentation to be incongruous. Consistency is something you should always strive to achieve whenever you’re making a PowerPoint presentation. A consistent theme helps in retaining the audience’s attention; moreover, it also makes them focus on the message displayed on the slides rather than being distracted by fancy designs.
You can easily attain this by simply using a basic template. Still, this doesn’t restrict you from making your own template; as you go about personalizing your template, always observe moderation.
Something that’s also closely tied to slides is the choice of fonts. To avoid the risk of overdesigning, try to stick with a simple font that’s easy to read. Ensure that a person seated at the furthest end of the room will have an easy time reading the points on your slides. Ensure you maintain the size and color of the fonts throughout the presentation unless you want to stress a particular point.
Use of Contrast
You can always tell a lot about a presenter by looking at his or her presentation templates. Color happens to be something many people either misuse or misapply. Here’s a helpful tip to incorporate when dealing with contrast; using black text on a plain white background is a safe bet, albeit quite boring. If you want to be more expressive with your creativity, you can opt to use additional shades of colors. The only catch with this is you have to be responsible when using them. The colors you eventually choose to work with should be contrasting enough to facilitate easy readability.
Another great technique you can employ when creating your presentation is using certain colors to highlight key information of your presentation. When done correctly, colors can make your intended message to pop, hence making them stand out.
KISS is an acronym that stands for Keep It Straight and Simple; this implies that you should only display keywords on the slides. Refrain from using long structured sentences; this is because you want your audience to put their focus and attention on you. Slides should only act as a reference point. Another thing you also want to avoid is reading your own slides when presenting. Not only will you risk losing the respect of your audience, but you also jeopardize losing their attention. To avoid any of these consequences, do a lot of practice during your preparation; that'll help you to talk freely and naturally.
Even though ‘Practice’ qualifies to be its own sub-topic, it can still be well feature here since it’s somewhat hard to ‘KISS’ your presentation without doing much practice. Rehearsing your presentation multiple times will definitely help you gain confidence and composure. These two elements are what separate a good presentation from a great one.
There’s so much that can be said when it comes to creating impeccable PowerPoint Presentations. Although the points provided above are few, they’re certainly helpful especially if you want to deliver an impactful presentation.