BALTIMORE - Aug. 9, 2020 - The Islamic Leadership Institute of America held its customary Youth Project Management course, except this time it was online rather than being in person. The event took span over two days, July 11 and 12th for the course of two hours each. It was instructed by founder and former chairman, current Chief of Academics and Research, Ayman Nassar.
The motive of this course was to educate youth about the basics of project management and how they can successfully manage their own project. The youth acquired a unique learning experience that is not implemented in High School curriculums. ILIA is aware of the fact that the world is in a crisis. A leadership crisis. That is why ILIA has set its own internship program to encourage teens to build upon their leadership skills and the YPM for them to successfully plan and execute their projects.
ILIA recognizes and believes that all human beings are born with some leadership skills and aspires to help youth nurture their skills and reach their fullest potential. As stated in the Holy Quran, "And [as] We raised among them leaders who, so long as they bore themselves with patience and had sure faith in Our messages, guided [their people] in accordance with Our behest [so, too, shall it be with the divine writ revealed unto thee, O Muhammad." - (32:24 As-Sajdah.)
Although the program was online, the teens that had attended benefited tremendously. Upon surveying all of the youth, they all believed that they had benefited, and that the program will definitely help them in their future lives. One of the youth that took part of the event, Shahd Sayed mentioned, "I didn't know that there were many aspects of a project so learning about the different scopes and parts of planning is something I'll sure use for any upcoming projects, and I think YPM is something everyone should take."
Since this course is presently being taught online due to the virus pandemic, it is much more accessible for youth all over America, and the world. ILIA highly encourages all youth ages 12 to 18, looking to learn more about project management to attend this course.
For more information about ILIA and its programs, visit
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