WASHINGTON - Aug. 5, 2020 - While facing adversity is always part of campaigning for any office, the most asked question is how to run for President. However, no one asks what it's actually like to run for President of the United States. Nonpartisan Candidate, Chance Trahan, talks about his experiences while campaigning for the Oval Office.
"I'm not even going to sugar coat this, it's been a rough couple of years. I've spent countless hours alone just worrying about if I even stand a chance at becoming elected President. I've wondered if what I'm able to do with my limited amount of resources is even going to be effective against the other candidates, much less against the Incumbent Administration's efforts to silence my campaign. I often feel like my struggle of receiving help or donations from people who just don't want to get involved in the process or in politics at all is inadequate when it comes to taking on rival campaigns," says Chance.
Despite his setbacks, this candidate is still a major contender in the political ring. Many people have often said that Candidate Trahan doesn't stand a chance at ever becoming President, yet he continues to overcome adversity every step of the way. And though there's been plenty of backlash towards Chance Trahan from several sources, including his site being banned from Facebook, Instagram and even LinkedIn, many people all over America are still rooting for the underdog and his extremely progressive platform.
Trahan states, "After what several people have said and done towards me because of my bid for Presidency, I've often felt discouraged. When this happens, I consider the source and think back at how far I've come. Nay sayers said the same thing about my bid for Sheriff of Clark County, and just look at how far I took that campaign. Had my name been put on the ballot, I would've won. Even though I'm well known in Vegas by the locals, I wonder if my name is big enough to take on a Presidential election. I have to take my chances. Otherwise, we'll never know what could have been if I hadn't seen this through til the end."
The whole world is on the edge of their seat to see if what Chance has been able to do despite what he's experiencing will be enough to secure the Presidential election this November. And even though he's made great strides and continually receives tremendous amounts of support for his 2020 United States Presidential Campaign, will this be enough for Chance Trahan to be able to beat Donald Trump?
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Chance Trahan