TEMPLE, Texas - Aug. 1, 2020 - A memoir turned into thrilling fiction; Moon in Bastet is based on the life of author E. S. Danon. The story follows a fourteen year-old girl named Eva, an orphan living in the Negev desert of Israel who is working as a custodian of Cirque Du Christianisme.
Her life is controlled by a volatile drunk named Bella who favors a group of equally volatile teenage bullies over her and her own safety or sanity. Bullied, neglected, and alone – Eva's only friends are an odd, thirteen–year–old Sephardic boy named Jack and a small cohort of Bedouin sister-wives.
On the brink of giving up on life, Eva stumbles upon a mysterious cat in the middle of the desert. Or really, did the cat stumble upon her? Together they must fight to stay alive, win the battles thrown at them, and Eva must learn to not only lean on others but to trust in herself. Filled with mystery, magic, and symbolism – Moon in Bastet is a story of resilience, survivorship, forgiveness, and women empowerment. This is a work filled with Jewish mysticism that can be enjoyed by people of all races, ages, and religions everywhere.
"Love this story! The attention to detail was amazing! It was also very educational and magical at the same time. I am on the edge of my seat for the next book! I look forward to reading it! Highly recommend!"
-Alicia Fadgen (Award Winning Children's and Middle Grade Author)
"It was an inspiring story that reminds us that no matter the obstacles that are placed on our path, we all have the power of greatness within us. I'm already looking forward to reading the next book in this series."
-Tara Torres (Creator of Cocktail & Color Events in NJ and Respected Book Reviewer)
Growing up half-Jewish herself, Elizabeth Danon eventually converted to being fullJewish with Temple Israel as a student of Rabbi Panitz. Her enriched, but complicated, heritage has been an inspiration for most of her creative writing. Being an Aries, she has always felt like a leader and has therefore integrated her feminist beliefs into her work, albeit dropping every women's studies course that she ever elected in college. Additionally, her writing has an unmistakable international presence. Elizabeth wanted to discover as much as she could about her Sephardic Heritage and went on Birthright, followed by her independent travels to over ten other countries… carrying nothing but a red bookbag.
Learn More:
Website: https://hurnpublications.com/moon-in-bastet/
Hurn Publications