LONDON - June 29, 2020 - what we need & what you get
We need your help to change a huge global problem that impacts every single one of us!
We are only seeking $1 from every person who believes in our vision and wants to see the UCROWDME platform come to life in March 2021. The core purpose for our IndieGogo campaign is to promote the UCROWDME brand and sign-up as many ambassadors as possible who will be instrumental in helping our marketing and other key parts of our business.
We have established the minimum funding amount at only $500 because we believe that your engagement and social word-of-mouth is more valuable to us. Hopefully we can sign-up millions of UCROWDME ambassadors to make this happen and build the biggest social innovation community ever seen!!
We are offering you the chance to help make a real change along with a few fun perks!
Become an official UCROWDME Ambassador:
• $1 = High Five Ambassador
• $1 = Social Ambassador
• $5 = Global Ambassador
• $10 = Technology Ambassador
• $15 = Idea Ambassador