PEARL RIVER, N.Y. - June 28, 2020 -AccrueMe™, The Leading Investment Partner for Amazon Sellers recently shared some background about how AccrueMe started with the success of Amazon Re-Sellers' as the top priority.
In the blog post, you will learn how Donald Henig and Eric Kotch (both Co-Founders of AccrueMe) came up with the idea of AccrueMe with the goal of providing Amazon sellers with a growth-friendly alternative to current Amazon Sellers' Funding Options.
"We knew most Sellers earned a good ROI, but we also knew that most didn't have enough Capital to grow large enough to positively affect their lives", said Henig. So with that premise, AccrueMe was born.
AccruMe provides as little as $5,000 and up to $5 million in growth capital to profitable Amazon Sellers following strategies like wholesale and private label. AccrueMe recently received significant funding to invest in profitable Amazon Sellers. To learn more and apply for funding, please visit the links below.
Learn more about how AccrueMe started here:
Learn more about AccrueMe & Apply For Investment here: