NEW CANAAN, Conn. - June 24, 2020 - "We started meeting with African Countries on January 10, 2020 and showing them the data that we felt they should know before they considered voting for Canada. Going beyond Canada Prime Minister Mr. Justin Trudeau Black Face incidents. And while Race Relations in Canada did play a part in our presentation it was not the only factor that we presented. But the final vote let us know our presentation was compelling enough to prevent Canada from being a part of the U.N. Security Council. And yes, China had its finger on the scale something we stayed clear of; but it did make our job easier.
With the recent increase of attacks on People of Color in Canada it's easy to shine a spotlight on Canada Police Department when it comes to racism, but it is Canada Immigration Agency where family's dreams are destroyed is why we couldn't walk away from this issue! Just walk into any Federal Court in Canada and get a copy of an "Applicant of Record" to see the nightmare stories of People of Color being deny entry or being force to leave Canada based on the Corrupt & Bias decisions made by Canadian Border Agents! Border Agents that use fake information from the internet to base their decision on, or simply refuse to review an applicant evidence or documentation. But when Canada Federal Courts allows a Border Agent to use the same decision repeatedly to deny a person the opportunity to give their family a better life, just because of their color, then justice is really blind, when People of Color are denied Entry into Canada. We showed countries the things that are happening to their citizens in Canada.
We know Canada Leaders are disappointed and scratching their heads wondering why they lost the vote in the U.N., so let me try to make this simple for them to understand. When Canada refuse to protect People of Color in Canada, then why in the world would any African Nation give Canada their Vote, when the people Canada refuse to protects, looks like them!
We hope that Canada use the next 4 years to create a social environment that allows its citizens to learn what's makes a Person of Color unique. Implement new studies that focus on the Black Experience, and Social Justice issues that Canada can no longer run from." said Bruce J. Weston, General Counsel for Moviegazoo.
Moviegazoo Want People of Color To Know, We Heard YOU!
Mrs. Teri Johnson