BURLINGTON, Mass. - June 16, 2020 - June is about celebrating Dad and the men in our lives. What better way to honor them than by encouraging them to be healthy during Men's Health Month. The purpose of Men's Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health issues.
A physical therapist does more than treat injuries. There are many different areas of physical therapy that can assist us all with preventative care, health and wellness. Physical therapists can specialize in areas such as orthopedic, geriatric, neurological, cardiovascular, pediatric care or pain management. If you are wondering how PT can help you with preventative care, here are a few reasons why you should seek physical therapy as early as possible.
See a Physical Therapist Regularly: Just like you schedule a regular check-up with your physician as a preventative measure against illness and disease, the same rule can apply to physical therapy. You can schedule a check-up on your own to prevent any pain, discomfort, misuse or imbalance from progressing into a chronic problem. A physical therapist can assess the status of your health through a detailed evaluation of muscular, skeletal, neurological, cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. If your PT finds any limitation, they will recommend a personalized treatment plan, or refer you for additional medical care. Plus, with Direct Access in Massachusetts (which means a person can visit a PT directly to seek a personalized health evaluation without visiting a PCP or obtaining a referral first), more and more people are utilizing physical therapy for preventative care.
Prevent, Delay & Improve Surgical Interventions: If a physical therapist detects a problem early, it can be treated with a proper rehabilitation plan preventing you, or delaying you, from having invasive surgery. PT can save you the expense and time of surgery and medications. We can also provide care to help you prepare for a future surgery date, reduce pain, maintain function and achieve a more successful outcome.
Maintain Physical Strength: If you do not engage in a regular exercise/maintenance program, you may end up with a host of mobility problems as you age. A physical therapist can design a plan of care to help keep you moving, strengthen your muscles and bones, lower your risk of falls, maintain more energy, a better mood, feel more relaxed and sleep better, boost your immune system, and recover better from periods of hospitalization or bed rest. It can help you live an overall higher quality life. They key is starting a maintenance program before any problems arise.
Please note: The health and safety of our patients and staff is always our top priority. We are currently fully open and accepting new, eligible patients, in both locations. We are offering one-on-one, in-clinic visits and telehealth services. We are continuing to follow all recommended precautions. Please visit our 'Telehealth for PT & COVID-19' webpage for more information, and never hesitate to call our offices with any questions, anytime.
For more information about HD Physical Therapy, visit https://www.HDPTonline.com and follow us on all social media.
Media Contact
Lauren J. D'Addario