LOS ANGELES - June 11, 2020 - Puzzle Box Horror is launching a new magazine, "Atlas of Lore" and the first issue, "Oregon" will be available late July. Pre-Order on June 7, 2020.
Get ready for 5 original short horror stories based on Oregon's haunted lore. This debut issue includes the legends behind the stories, along with original art and photography. If you love ghost stories, lore, and great horror art this is for you.
Get Ready To Scared With Five Unique Horror Tales
Slice – A haunted pizza joint gets terrifying.
When The Bandage Man Finds You – A haunted coastal highway horror story
Anna Byrne Chronicles Chapters 1 and 2 – Anna learns a bit about her father's paranormal discoveries and encounters her first haunting.
The Haunting of The White Eagle – A tale of paranormal investigators finding what they thought they were looking for.
Rose (graphic short) – Origin story of a famous ghost in a downtown Portland hotel.
Marketing Macabre is a wickedly devilish public relations / marketing / social media company subservient to horror professionals like yourself. Our undying devotion is to assist horror entities in promoting their diabolical creations well beyond the grave... So if you have anything to do with horror, be it a production company, director, producer, actor, writer, podcast-er, singer, etc..., we will craft a campaign "witch" will spellbind you and your evil dominion.
Pre-Order Atlas of Lore
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Marketing Macabre