June 03, 2020 - DrupalPartners is a leading Drupal development company and a premium supporting partner of the Drupal community. We continually enhance the user experience and technical infrastructure of our website to provide our visitors with smooth and secure site experience.
Drupal’s latest version of the widely popular CMS promises regular feature upgrades and advanced security features. This prompted our move to its latest version. Being the trusted technology partner of Universities, health systems, NGOs, and entertainment portals across the country, it is important we keep our site up to date.
With our upgrade to Drupal 9 we’ve ensured our website ticks the right boxes...
Our site is now powered by Drupal 9 and has become even more secure, stable and future-ready.
Provides an improved site experience for our visitors and more intuitive navigation.
Has the right technical infrastructure to mitigate data security risks and support future feature roll outs.
Contact Information
Nash Ogden
Innoppl Technologies
9415 Culver Blvd, Culver City, Los Angeles, CA 90232.
Voice: 678-648-7527