CHARLOTTE, N.C. - May 19, 2020 - Ms Joyce Mann, Chairman and CEO of Lenoir-based RMANNCO, Inc., announced today that RMANNCO, Inc. has received notification from Mr. Robert Haupst, Executive Director of BioVoice-Europe, that two of RMANNCO's proposals were winning Solvers in two project areas: Wastewater Re-Use in Europe, UK and Australia and for creation of a new plant-based formulation to be used to make sustainable flowerpots and other agricultural products for worldwide distribution and sales. The Teams are headed by Dr. Joseph A. Resnick, RMANNCO's former CEO. BioVoice.Org, headquartered in Vordingborg, Denmark is a member of the Global Water Tech Hub Alliance, established in September 2018. The Alliance was set up to foster international collaboration between regional hubs of water technology innovation. 'GWTHA' is an open platform that helps match specific water challenges with solutions from around the world. The alliance works in two directions: supporting locally developed innovations in reaching out to foreign markets; and helping those seeking solutions to tap into a global pool of innovative technologies. The Hub is a consortium of environmentally-conscious businesses, farmers and manufacturers who have grouped together and have made a commitment to reduce CO2 gasses and Global Warming by transitioning to 'green, sustainable, plant-based products and technologies'.
RMANNCO, Inc., in partnership with Global Algae Management, LLC of Bozeman, MT responded to three technical challenges on April 9, 2020. The first challenge, issued by CAPI Europe, was entitled, "New Biobased Alternative for Raw Material for Use in Creating Flowerpots". See the challenge at this URL: RMANNCO's proposal placed number one from a group of 85 submissions.
The second winning proposal was in response to a technical challenge issued by Cargill Europe, entitled, "How can we clean and reuse 100% of our wastewater?" See details about the challenge at this URL: .RMANNCO's submission placed number one from a group of over 85 respondents.
As winning Solvers, the companies will receive €20.000 for each successful proposal. Mr. Dan Klemann, CEO of Global Algae Management, LLC said, "We are very excited about the opportunities to work with Cargill-Europe and CAPI-Europe as well. CAPI-Europe is the largest flowerpot manufacturer in Europe with production plants in Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Denmark and Australia. Cargill, one of the largest food production companies in the world, has 54 facilities throughout Europe, the USA, the UK, and Australia. Cargill is global in scope and this collaboration affords the JV the opportunity to license our biofloculation units in Europe, initially, and to springboard from Europe to the remainder of the world in a phased roll-out over the next 5-10 years. What's nice about each of these projects is that, in addition to remediating wastewater and making new products and helping to save the environment by reducing the carbon footprint of the new products, RMANNCO and Global Algae will be able to purchase any excess algae produced at any of the facilities for use in its 'plant-based meat-substitute product', such as the new plant-based (algae) Beef Jerky project with Ted Nugent Brands and the NRA, assuring that we increase our global supply of algae from every continent for use in other foods and the animal feed products we have under development. See: . One of our collective goals is to end world hunger by utilizing algae to make healthier, plant-based protein meat-alternative foods, and to accomplish that benchmark by the year 2030".
Mann concluded by stating, "Our JV with Global Algae Management and these two projects facilitated though the BioVoice Europe Platform promises to evolve into those kinds of enterprises I've always read about … where it's all about having the right technology, and being in the right place at the right time with the right players, and "magic" happens".
For Additional Information Media May Contact:
Ms. Joy Mann, Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 478-244-2131
Media Contact
Joyce M. Mann