ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. - May 13, 2020 -
Install Google Analytics on your website – If you are unaware of your website's traffic counts and where that traffic is coming from, how can you evaluate future Marketing Decisions? Google Analytics provides a remarkable amount of data that can help you to gain insight on your business's online presence. It can help to identify who is clicking on your site through demographic data such as sex, age, location and more. You can use Google Analytics data to improve your ranking on search engines. The data can help you target your advertising. It's a powerful tool, it's easy to set up, doesn't require you to use Google as your website host, and best of all, it's free!
Write about your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) – this is a combination of who you are, what you do, and what makes you special. Is it your product or service? Is it your comfortable and relaxed lobby environment? Maybe it's the staff you employ. If you have a mission statement, you may wish to include elements of that in your USP. If you are new to blogging, using elements of your USP may be a good place to start.
Host your writing on your website's blog page – The more you write, the more distinctive value you provide. Frequently updated, relevant content is why people visit websites. If you aren't providing value through your content, they'll go elsewhere. A blog can be a powerful tool that allows you to communicate your message on your schedule. A blog should establish a personality or "voice" in your writing that you want to be identified with your business. Blogging is a great way to add a more personal and timely form of communication to your readers. Having and frequently posting to a blog with relevant content brings credibility to your business and establishes you as an expert in your subject matter.
Establish profiles on multiple Social Media Sites – Your business belongs on social media. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are the standards. Google+ helps with reviews and search ranking. If you are an advanced user, try Pinterest, Instagram and Reddit. Different brands and different personalities see varied results. Your Brand's personality is on display, it may click in numerous places, and it's important to be where your potential customers are clicking.
Share often – People want to do business with someone they know, whether through staff features, interior shots, product demonstrations, etc. You have more content to share than you think you do. Provide as much insight as you are comfortable with and do it regularly. It is important to be heard and be seen.
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