RICHMOND, Va. - May 6, 2020 - "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe of my angel mother". As we are approaching Mother's Day 2020 and, in this time, where many are quarantined at home with family, we are reflecting on the joy of what Mother's Day will bring and what we will do to celebrate the mom's we hold most dear to our hearts. Though celebrations may look a little different than they usually are across the world, the celebrations will continue and mom will be for sure appreciated.
To each person, the word mom brings a different feeling and means something different but with each reflection about mom, there are common threads that bind each one together. The importance of moms lies in their mere ability to bare the life of another being, carrying that being for a significant amount of time, nurturing it, and bringing it to life. She is important because she is who is called the primary caregiver which tends to every need of a child, physically, mentally, and emotionally until they are able to fend for themselves. Her love knows no bounds.
With all her care and nurture there are the life lessons her children will learn that will take them and generations to come throughout life just as her mom did with her. She is the first teacher and sometimes the only teacher some children will have before any formal years in a school system. How to read, how to write, how to cook, how to clean and so much more are among the life lessons mom teaches us.
This Mother's Day we are encouraging you to do what you can to make it special, trade the fancy restaurant dining for a family home-cooked meal, order the bouquet for delivery if you can't physically take it to her, hand-make one of those cheesy cards you used to when you were younger, they are her favorites, do what you can to make it meaningful and special.
In all you do always remember "a mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one can take". Happy Mother's Day to all moms from the HNA Music Family. ( (
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