RALEIGH, N.C. - April 29, 2020 - The North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA) manages the Certified Honey Producer Program (CHPP) and only members of this program can legally display this Certified symbol. The program has strict membership requirements to ensure adherence to its guidelines which call for honey produced by honeybees within North Carolina.
In addition, no adulterated honey, no removal or addition of pollen, no feeding of sugar or corn syrup during nectar flows, no beekeeper-applied additives or flavorings, and no enzyme-destructive heating are allowed. Only pure natural honey from North Carolina honeybees. CHPP members also are held to a monitored higher standard and are expected to follow established and reasonable beekeeping practices, employ sanitary and healthy honey extraction procedures, and follow proper labeling and marketing of their honey.
Thus, most international, national, or out-of-state honey producers, distributors, importers, and sellers are not allowed to display the NCSBA Certified Honey symbol. Only approved members of the Certified Honey Producer Program can display this symbol.
Honey Locator Map
This online interactive map shows the location of every beekeeper who is a member of the NCSBA Certified Honey Producer Program. Find a beekeeper near you and discover the goodness of real North Carolina honey! The map ca be found on the NCSBA website.
Enlarge the map to find your location, and then click on a nearby pin to reveal that beekeeper's name, address, phone number, email, and/or website. An alphabetical searchable registry of CHPP members can also be found on the NCSBA website.
Finding pure natural local honey from trustworthy beekeepers has never been easier. Get to know your local beekeeper and enjoy the goodness of real North Carolina honey.
Bee Smart
If buying local honey from a trusted beekeeper makes sense for you and your family, know that it also supports local business and, since honeybees pollinate many of our agricultural food crops, it helps ensure a healthy sustainable future for everyone on the planet.
Ed Speer
Chairman NCSBA Certified Honey Producer Program