NORFOLK, Va. - April 25, 2020 - Norfolk Resident seeks community support for deployed sailor
With the looming potential of COVID19 spread and pending state business re-openings, one Virginia resident sought an opportunity to help a friend who also happens to be a sailor currently deployed on USS Harry S Truman.
Jordan Kesler is seeking community support to help her close friend, A2 Alexander Pinnix, replace his beloved saxophone. Pinnix serves as an aviation technician and stationed in Norfolk. Pinnix is a musician at heart and uses his skills on the saxophone to entertain and perform on the ship-- more recently performing for Comedian George Lopez during his current deployment. Due to the restrictions and concerns for COVID19, his deployment has been extended with no clear end in sight. The saxophone has since been damaged beyond repair and limits his ability to perform for his crew.
Additionally, he is actively involved with building team morale and leadership by serving as a career counselor, Chair of the USS Harry S Truman morale committee, the ship scene leader, and more recently selected as the Admiral's Right Hand Sailor.
Ms. Kesler has created a GoFundme Page to garner funding support needed to repair or replace the damaged instrument. The GoFundme Page can be found here ( Residents are encouraged to share the page to help spread the word and find support for Pinnix.
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