HARTFORD, Conn. - March 20, 2020 - Liz Delton, author of four novels, is publishing a book for writers and is celebrating with a virtual launch party. Her new book, Writer's Notebook: A Guided Journal to Plan Your Story will be published on March 31 by Tourmaline & Quartz Publishing, and social distancing won't be a problem.
"Writing is a solitary activity," Delton says, "And I think my book will help those who are suddenly stuck at home with nothing to do. It's a good time to write, if you can."
The Writer's Notebook is part "how-to" book and part blank notebook. Reader's Favorite called it, "Just what every writer needs."
The virtual launch party will take place through Facebook on March 31 from 8-10pm EST, and will include guest authors, prizes, live videos, and writing tips. And the best part is, party-goers can attend from the comfort and cleanliness of their own home. Those interested in attending can RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/869643380129258/
Visit http://www.mywritersnotebook.com/media-kit/ for high-resolution pictures, blurbs, and more. ISBN: 978-1734523102, Paperback $11.95. The paperback book can be purchased on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1734523107/).
Liz Delton