NEW YORK - March 14, 2020 - Jose Franco wants to share with Americans how he's been able to minimize the carbon footprint of all the negative political energy during the Coronavirus pandemic through his free e-book "How To Get Better At Things You Don't Think You're Bad At By 2020". Mr Franco recently appeared on Fox Network's "The Story", as a member of a bipartisan voters panel supporting Mike Bloomberg. Six weeks prior, Mr Franco was collecting signatures to run for US President himself on a platform similar to self help author, Marianne Williamson. While his own campaign advocated universal love, Jose Franco was frequently asked if Donald Trump, (Jose believes to be an underwhelming manager) - If the President was deserving of compassion and empathy? To the surprise of most "Never Trumpers", Mr Franco dedicated his free E-book to Donald Trump (pictured on cover) and is included in the author's love fest. Jose went on to say, "I have love for all, I just don't have time for all". Jose believes regardless of what the President does, it's up to each individual to control his/her temperament and/or opinion. "Don't expect perfection in government with regards to politics. Don't presume rationality will triumph. The wise does everything to assume that error and folly will try to have their way and create structures to contain them. The wise never expects that one person can be everything to them". Jose added, " To help my own mental health and focus on the things I have control of, I began to write constructive articles about habit triggers, supply, demand, economic paradoxes and mindfulness".
Chapter 1: Self Motivation
Chapter 2: Baseball, Business Philosophy & Reflections
Chapter 3: World's Best Storytellers
Chapter 4: The Dilemma
Chapter 5: The Government & The People Are One
Chapter 6: Two Peas In A Pod
Chapter 7: Two Gun Crowley
Chapter 8: Key To Success
Chapter 9: Are You Woke Yet?
Chapter 10: Fastest Way To Build The Wall
Chapter 11: Human Action
Chapter 12: Why I'm Running
Chapter 13: Schultz Has To Be For Real In 2020
To download a copy of the free E-book
Jose Franco