DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. - Feb. 28, 2020 - Hollan Pugh, LMHC, and owner of Front Porch Counseling, is pleased to announce that she has expanded her private practice of 15 years by adding three therapists and a new substance abuse program.
"If someone thinks alcohol or drugs could be a problem in their life, we are here to help," said Hollan. "We offer a state of the art program for treatment of substance abuse," she added. Hollan was previously a clinical director of Serenity Springs in Edgewater, FL, and The Augustine in Saint Augustine, FL. She has 10 years of experience helping people with addictions, and 15 years of helping people through trauma. Hollan is certified in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and reprocessing), CBT (cognitive-behavioural therapy), DBT (dialectical behaviour therapy), Energy Psychology, Kundalini Yoga, is a Reiki Master, Phych-K facilitator, Life Coach, Infinite Possibilities Trainer, and public speaker.
"Despite their best efforts to remain sober, many people continue to relapse due to untreated trauma," indicated Hollan. "Front Porch Counseling offers EMDR, which is the proven trauma treatment of choice," she added. In addition to evidence based treatment such as CBT, DBT and EMDR, they offer cutting edge treatment for addiction including Energy Psychology and Psych-K. Energy Psychology is like a reboot to the brain allowing clients to utilize simple yet profound tools for emotional self-regulation. Psych-K is a groundbreaking approach to facilitate change at the subconscious level where 95% of consciousness operates. According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of Biology of Belief; "Psych-K represents one of the most important, efficient, effective and rapid change processes that is available on the planet today."
"Our program is truly a place to heal the mind, body and spirit," said Hollan. Yoga that is specifically suited for trauma survivors is an integral part of the program. "Because sexual trauma occurs in the body, it becomes challenging for survivors to feel safe in their own bodies. They continue to relapse because the brain remembers the comfort that drugs and alcohol temporarily send to the brain," she added. "We offer Trauma Informed Yoga, Vinyasa, and Kundalini Yoga to allow clients who suffer from both addiction and trauma to regain their sense of self and feel safe again in their bodies," said Hollan. Kundalini Yoga and Meditation is a powerful tool to not only recover but to transcend and enter into a space of union with the highest aspect of the self. As Yogi Bhajan so aptly stated: "Happiness is your birthright."
The counselors at Front Porch Counseling look for several factors when helping patients, including seeing if the person has a dual diagnosis. This means having a condition of suffering from a mental illness and a substance abuse problem. Co-occurring substance abuse problems and mental health issues are more common than many people realize. In fact, according to reports published in the Journal of the American Medical Association roughly 50% of individuals with severe mental disorders are affected by substance abuse, 37% of alcohol abusers and 53 percent of drug abusers also have at least one serious mental illness, and of all people diagnosed as mentally ill, 29% abuse either alcohol or drugs.
Front Porch Counseling offers private treatment, as well as works with companies that offer an EAP (employee assistance program). The services they offer include EMDR to address trauma, PSYCH-K (Psychological Kinesiology) to remove subconscious blocks, Energy Psychology, CBT and DBT, Kundalini Yoga and a foundation of 12 Step Recovery, which is a proven method for sustained recovery.
Front Porch Counseling is available seven days a week by appointment by calling 386-244-7763, or booking an appointment on their website at They are located at 116 Bay Street, Daytona Beach, FL and can be found on Facebook at The website offers a free video to learn Energy Psychology self soothing tools to reduce anxiety. Hollan is also available to visit a business, organization or faith community to teach Energy Psychology's self soothing skills at no cost. It is her passion to help people learn to reduce their anxiety with self-regulation tools they can use on their own.
Front Porch Counseling