WOOD DALE, Ill. - Feb. 10, 2020 - Survive and Thrive with Auditory Learning Disabilities: Strategies for Teens, Parents and Teachers
Practical techniques to understand and treat Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) can create frustration and challenges for those with this disorder. Often not recognized for many years, young people with APD and the people in their lives can feel inadequate and challenged to understand information. Even after diagnosis, these individuals may be confused about what the disorder is and how to best work with it to recognize full potential.
This book is unique because it brings it is targeted to all the supports in a young person with APD's life. It contains helpful information and is accessible and entertaining for youth, parents, and professionals. This allows the entire treatment team to have the same information for everyone to be on the same page. Practical exercises at the end of each chapter helps create an action plan for adolescents to take information presented and apply it to their own lives. Clinicians can use these action plans as exercises for psycho-educational groups.
Survive and Thrive has fun artwork and design to build interest and help make information digestible. However, it treats teens as equal partners in their APD treatment and teaches them strategies for self-advocacy, something that they will take with them their whole lives.
Extremely practical, Survive and Thrive, walks individuals through the entire APD diagnosis process, including how to best navigate systems to utilize assets available. Resources are identified; parents will learn they are not alone and will learn how to take penetrate the often confusing world of school systems and obtaining educational support.
As illustrated by the examples and biographies shared in the book, including the author's own personal family struggles with APD and her resilience and determination to become a clinical and school psychologist treating youth with this disorder, APD does not have to define a child or adolescent. It is imperative to have the tools and resources to help them maximize their abilities and live their best lives.
Author: Loraine Alderman, Psy.D.
Pages: 183
Dr. Loraine Alderman is a licensed clinical psychologist and a certified school psychologist. She works in the New York City school system as a school psychologist and has a private practice. Her focus is to advocate for children and adolescents with learning disabilities. She was voted Best Psychologist by the readers of the Long Island Press for 2007 and 2008.
Stoelting- Brian Syzdek