NEW CANAAN, Conn. - Jan. 21, 2020 - With more than 1200 Canadians currently going thru Moviegazoo 2-month training program we are all heartbroken that we are not able to move forward with our expansion plans. With recent conditions that have surfaced we just don't feel comfortable moving forward at this time. More important, we don't feel we have gotten the type of support when it comes to the investment we were planning to make. Over a 3-year period Moviegazoo Digital Network would have created more than 10,000 High-technology Jobs.
Over the last 2 years we had teams in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal mapping out the local eco-system, and building our A.I. Component to connect these cities without needing to use Bell Media and Rodger Network at all. With China investing billions in A.I., western countries are on the verge of making the same mistake they made with Solar Panels. But this time around, China won't be seeking to flood western countries with cheap Solar Panels but will be using cutting edge A.I. Technology and Quantum Computing for its military objectives. And by not having a National A.I. Plan (U.S., Canada, Japan, South Korea and E.U.) China will finally be able to reach their global objective of becoming the World Sole Superpower, Military Wise!
"Mr. Vince Charles Allen Moulterie II once wrote that in order to understand Quantum Physics all one needed to do was look at how the brain functions! A three-dimensional maze, that is constantly in motion! And to build the perfect A.I. System certain Quantum Components would need to be a part of the equation. Because it would be the Quantum Components that would give the A.I. Purpose and Function. And yes, man would be creating a new Digital Life Form. A Digital Life Form that will outgrow all internal programming, so multi safeguards would need to be a part of the foundation or you will need a Digital Bullet!"
Moviegazoo Digital Network allows us to protect our members from the nightmare stories you hear about. And by not being on the Internet it makes it harder for a hacker to hack into a Digital Network that they can't see! Our Executive Team and Founder once thought Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal would be the perfect cities to build a Global A.I. Network in, that other countries would be able to tap into. But we just don't see this happening now. While we are ahead of the threats that many companies face, our goal is to continue building out our Digital Network and assisting other companies to improve their security for free. But we have no plans of sharing or making known any Proprietary Technology created by Mr. Moulterie with anyone!
Canadians that can obtain a U.S. Work Visa will be given the opportunity to be a part of Moviegazoo Mobile Units. But on February 1, 2020 all Canadian Members will no longer be able to log into Moviegazoo Digital Network. Moviegazoo has given notice to all its secondary vendors and event partners in Canada" said Bruce J. Weston General Counsel for Moviegazoo.