PAWTUCKET, R.I. - Jan. 9, 2020 - The millennial generation is coming into its prime and stands ready to take the reins of America's defenses. That's right – the same generation known for job-hopping every two years, celebrating participation trophies, and exhibiting a general lack of focus is now being asked to design and develop highly-secretive billion-dollar devices that take years to build without mentioning a word about it anywhere on social media. So, the question everyone might be asking is… are we doomed? Can millennials be entrusted with this responsibility, or will they kill the defense industry per the popular meme?
The Defense Millendustry takes a carefully researched and thoughtful look into where the defense industry is right now and where it's heading. It offers not only suggestions on how to survive the coming millennial and Gen Z workforce onslaught, but it explains how letting a new generation take leadership of this critical industry, and developing a freedom engineering approach, might not be our only chance, but in the end, could save us all.
Jeremy Shattuck has spent the past the twenty years building systems for the U.S. Navy. He has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, an M.B.A and M.A. in International Relations, a Naval War College Diploma, and an M.S. in Systems Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. He is also a recipient of the National Defense Industrial Association Ferguson Award for Systems Engineering Excellence. He is a resident of Portsmouth, R.I.
The Defense Millendustry is available to purchase through select bookstores and gift shops, major online retailers, and through the publisher at In addition, hand-signed copies are available from the author.
The Defense Millendustry - Or, The Call for Freedom Engineers and Scientists Or, How to Hand the (Missile) Keys Over to Millenials (and Their Robots)
by Jeremy Shattuck
Paperback: $12.99
ISBN: 978-195033939-6
Stillwater River Publications
Steven R. Porter