ECHA Begins SCIP Database for SVHC-Containing Products in January 2021

January 07, 2020 - The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has announced the Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products) (SCIP) database will be in operation from January 5, 2021. After this date, businesses operating in the European Union (EU) must enter certain information onto the database if their articles contain a substance on the Candidate List at a concentration above 0.1% w/w.

The requirement applies to actors placing an article onto the EU market – EU manufacturers, assemblers, importers and distributors. It does not apply to retailers and other supply chain actors supplying articles directly and exclusively to consumers.

The Candidate List contains substances that have been identified as having hazardous properties, known as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).

The term SVHC is associated with the REACH regulation and includes substances that are:

• CMR – carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction
• PBT/vPvB - persistent, bioaccumulative/very persistent and very bioaccumulative
• Substances that cause an equivalent level of concern as CMR or PBT/vPvB substances, e.g. endocrine disruption

Stakeholders should note: the SCIP duty relates to the Waste Framework Directive and not REACH. Actors supplying directly to consumers are not bound by the SCIP duty but must still conform to the existing communication and notification obligations under REACH. This means suppliers of articles that contain a substance on the Candidate List above 0.1% w/w will still need to communicate to the recipient its existence, even if they are not required to submit such information to the SCIP database.

The SCIP database will require the following information:

• Administrative contact details (company information)
• Technical details:
o Information on the article as such or the complex object:
- Identifiers (name, brand, model, identifier (i.e. EAN), production in EU (yes/no))
- Picture
- Characteristics (dimensions, weight, color…)
- Instructions (safe use, disassembling)
- For complex object components only: linked articles
o Information on the substance:
- Candidate List version
- Candidate List substance (name, EC and CAS number)
- Concentration range (select as appropriate)

Stakeholders are advised to now ensure they understand the requirements of the SCIP database to ensure continued compliance with EU regulations.

SGS REACH Services
SGS keeps interested parties informed about developments and changes to REACH. Their expertise, combined with advisory services and experience in consumer product supply chains, provides a central point of contact for global solutions. Learn more about SGS’s REACH Services. []

SGS SafeGuardS keep you up to date with the latest news and developments in the consumer goods industry. Read the full 2021: SCIP Database for Products Supplied to the EU SafeGuardS. [,-c-,-scip-database-for-products-supplied-to-the-eu]

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For further information contact:

Adeline Maijala
Quality and Development Lead - Certification Services
Tel: +358 9 6963 229
Email: ( @ ) sgs dot com
LinkedIn: sgs-consumer-goods-&-retail

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SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 97,000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 2,600 offices and laboratories around the world.

Contact Information
Ben Christie
Sugarloaf Marketing
1, Mons Calpe Chitcombe Road Broad Oak Rye East Sussex
TN31 6EU
Voice: 01892 711240

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