LOS ANGELES - Jan. 4, 2020 - Please join Humans Of The Earth (HOTE) Gallery for the opening reception of Kellyann Monaghan's first solo exhibition in Los Angeles "Where do we go from here?".
The exhibit showcases new works by Monaghan focusing on climate change and extreme weather, Monaghan states: "Stormy weather and extreme climate conditions permeating the natural landscape have become a recent trajectory in my painting. The surface of the paintings erupts with textured and expressive gestural marks, which are depictions of sweeping weather events."
Kellyann Monaghan was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is a painter of both urban landscapes and stormy events affecting rural landscapes. She received her BFA from Moore College of Art Design and her MFA from Brooklyn College, CUNY.
The opening reception will take place on Thursday January 9th, from 7 to 9pm
at Humans Of The Earth (HOTE) Gallery at 2407 W. Hellman Ave, Alhambra, CA 91083
For more information, please contact the gallery at
626.642.8824 email: Galleryhote@gmail.com
website: http://www.hoteart.com