Elision Announced the Successful Integration of DialShree and Cisco PBX

December 31, 2019 - Elision Technologies Pvt. Ltd, more popularly known as Elision, is a leading IT company. The spokesperson of the company has announced that the VoIP engineers of the company have successfully integrated their proprietary call center solution, namely, DialShree with PBX solution of Cisco.

As per the shared details, one of the customers of the company has been using DialShree: Call Center Solution. The customer started using the Cisco PBX solution. The call center software was in use by the call center of the company that has been running different campaigns to create new customers and to delight existing customers. The Cisco PBX is installed in other departments of the company for internal and external communication. The customer of Elision wanted to use both of these solutions in harmony.

Elision Technologies Pvt. Ltd has a team of VoIP engineers that have expertise in integrating different solutions and customizing different VoIP software. The VoIP experts of the company integrated DialShree: Call Center Software with Cisco PBX solution.

The VoIP engineers of Elision integrated both of these systems in a way that users of individual and both systems can take benefit of combined features. For example, when a call center executive receives a call via DialShree: Call Center Solution, he can transfer the call to the user that does not use call center software, but he uses Cisco PBX. The call will be transferred to the IP phone or softphone of the PBX users. This is one scenario. There are many benefits and use cases of this integrated system.

“Cisco PBX has a complex and different structure which is obvious as it provides a secure solution to its users. We wanted to make sure that our customers can get exactly the system that they are looking for. Thus, we took this project. Definitely, there were many roadblocks and we overcome all of them. Thanks to our experts. We finally delivered the exact solution that our clients were seeking”, shared spokesperson of the company.

As per the shared details, DialShree is a scalable and flexible solution. Thus, the engineers of Elision can add any API or solution in it to provide a holistic solution to its customers. The company has been offering a tailored solution to its customers since the launch of this call center software.

“The DialShree: call center solution and Cisco PBX system are integrated successfully for our customer and we are ready to take more projects like this. We can integrate any PBX with DialShree”, shared spokesperson of the company.

About Elision Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Elision is an IT company based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. The company has its branch offices in Mumbai and Delhi in India. The company also has its sales offices in Mexico and the USA. The company has been catering to its customers for more than 12 years. The company offers unified communication solutions to its customers. One of the most advanced and renowned products of the company is DialShree. To know more about DialShree, visit https://www.elisiontec.com/contact-center-solution

Contact Information
Zenteno Peterson
Elision Technologies Pvt. Ltd
2419 # E Piper Lane Charlotte, NC. 28208-7325,
Voice: 3053289898

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