DENVER - Dec. 31, 2019 - MPLOYMENT ATTORNEY - It can be easy to ignore or suppress the signs of unfair treatment in the workplace. One bad action of an employer can lead to another, and although the problems should be addressed, it can seem easier to put them aside and continue working.
The decision to pursue legal advice against the wrongful or neglectful actions of an employer can feel very difficult, but once the decision has been made, the next step of finding the right fit when it comes to working with a labor attorney can feel close to impossible.
Tim Mitchiner of Mitchiner Law has personally experienced this frustration, as he spent his first few years in the workforce as a "blue-collar" employee. His experiences in those years lead him on a different path than he originally had planned- a path to seek justice for employees who had been subject to unfair treatment by their employers. His experiences drove him to create Mitchiner Law- an Employment Law Firm for the Employees.
The mission of Mitchiner Law is to provide accessible and impactful legal advice to both public and private sector employees who are in need of legal services. Whether the need is for pay equity, occupational safety, or human rights, Mitchiner law is the ultimate advocate for employees.
Above all else, Mitchiner Law seeks to serve the underserved sector of the population with their legal needs and focuses on delivering integrity, service, and excellence to each and every client.
When searching for "employment attorney Denver CO" or "best employment lawyers Denver CO", choosing Mitchiner Law will be the optimal first step in your journey to equitable treatment by your employer. Mr. Mitchiner and his team work effortlessly, utilizing their years of experience, passion, and sound legal advice to advocate for and ensure their clients' happiness in the workplace.
Media Contact
Mitchiner Law -Thomas Mitchiner