GRAVETTE, Ark. - Dec. 22, 2019 - The Ultimate Toolkit Dream Giveaway, a nationwide drawing sponsored by New Beginning Children's Homes, ended on November 26, 2019. John White, age 69, from New York, is the grand-prize winner. Included in the grand-prize package was a $10,000 gift card to
On November 26, 2019, which was the last day to enter the Ultimate Toolkit Dream Giveaway, Mr. White made a donation to enter several of the Dream Giveaway sweepstakes. Little did he know after his making his donation that he was now holding the winning ticket for the Ultimate Toolkit Dream Giveaway. "This is my first time I've ever won anything this substantial and at the same time I was able to donate to some great charities," he said. "I always try to do what I can to help and Dream Giveaway is a great outlet for me now to do so."
On Thursday, December 12, 2019, he received the news via telephone that he had won the Ultimate Toolkit Dream Giveaway. "When I first got the call I was overjoyed and almost speechless," he said. "I plan on continuing to donate in the future and enter more Dream Giveaway sweepstakes."
Mr. White is retired. In his free time he enjoys working in his yard, working on his classic cars and riding his bike.
Mr. White had this to say to the people who have yet to enter a Dream Giveaway promotion, "If you like to dream about winning like me this is a good place."
New Beginning Children's Homes (NBCH) is a 501(c) 3 provider of family-style long-term residential care with a mission to provide foster children a safe and faith-centered family atmosphere where they can heal, grow, and be loved while working through difficult life issues. In addition to the funding they received, NBCH provided grants to several worthwhile charities, including Honor Flight of West Central Florida, National Guard Educational Foundation, Bright Pink, Smile Network International, Mothers Against Drunk Driving and Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries.
For low-res and high-res photography and video assets, please contact Kim Meyers.
A Dream Giveaway spokesperson is available for press interviews for traditional print, broadcast, and radio media and digital-only sites. Please contact Kim Meyers ( to arrange a press interview.
To see all Dream Giveaway Winners since 2008, please visit www.dreamgiveaway,com/winners
DGGroup, Inc./ Kim Meyers