SAN DIEGO - Dec. 7, 2019 - In a frivolous lawsuit constructed to harass and otherwise self induce incriminatory acts upon an unsuspecting x-lover to Gildred's Wife?
Emerald Textiles®, TOM GILDRED®, MCSI Security® Southern California's environmentally responsible commercial healthcare laundry, leader is taking an allege cover up in medical malpractice too far.
What's being uncovered? MCSI Security® IP uncovered A reporting agency who'd claimed., "TOM GILDRED® is in too deep. It is more hot water than first accounted.
What's been reported as to have been simply a misstatement in an allegation of wife complaining to x-lover & Tango Instructor dance partner Michael Foster in which she states., Quote; "Tom awoke me at 2Am & said HERE., Take that". unQuote!
The couple's esteemed Carlsbad Attorney have made the public to believe that the x-tango Instructor is an attempted extortioner, who's out to defame the Gildred San Diego couple.
Stating among other things that he lied about the an extra-marital relationship with Tom Gildred's Wife, and threatened to post defamation about the affair on a websites TomGildred dot info and unless he's receive $10,000 cash.
Some unaccounted allegations includes an FBI report, Tom's Mother-in-Law whacked and hospitalized in the streets of Cancun Mexico and a questionable passing of the x-lover's mother's death in the island of Trinidad & Tobago Tom Gildred's running in and confronting the x-lover in the streets of NYC twice in one week.
All about a dance tango. Noted Here ( of the Tango Man's account of the affair.
Quite convincing besides it is a very difficult idea to prove something actually Did Not Happened.
Media Contact
Michael Foster