SAN FRANCISCO - Dec. 1, 2019 - Originally Posted in W.E. Community Spotlight November 28, 2019~~~
There is nothing like being home for the holidays. The U.S. Military and their families are gratefully appreciated for all they do to make the world safe for their families and others.
The menu below from Thanksgiving from the Vietnam War is a reminder of the sacrifices soldiers make. Brigadier General Joseph Warren Stillwell's words are fitting even now for those still fighting the twenty year Afghanistan War and other War on Terror battles as we enjoy Turkey, Football and Parades today to commemorate the first Thanksgiving.
28, November 1963
On this Thanksgiving Day, let us appreciate all that we, as Americans, have.
The family separations and sometimes arduous conditions we face are temporary discomfort which all men have had to suffer to promote a lasting freedom. These hardships that we now endure and our every day efforts will effect the type of world in which our loved ones will live. We should be thankful that we have the opportunity to determine whether our families, our country and the free world will remain free.
In addition, I personally give thanks for the fine job that you are doing. I hope you are as proud of yourselves as I am of you.
J.W. Stilwell
Brigadier General , U. S. Army Commanding
Our Father, we bow before thee, overwhelmed by the many gifts before us. Teach us to be ever mindful of all thy mercies with which our lives are daily blessed. Accept the Thanksgiving of our hearts for this food now before us. In thy name, we pray. AMEN
One can only imagine the importance of the ritual of Thanksgiving for soldiers so far from home back in 1963, especially in light of the sad fact their Commander in Chief, President John F. Kennedy had been shot to death in Dallas, Texas, the week before Thanksgiving. Those small touches of home are important in any war.
Soldiers (Women & Men) Thanks For Your Giving!
Veterans Day is Everyday for The Military and Their Families
For But for Some Soldiers and Their Families
Everyday is Veterans Day & Memorial Day
Thanksgiving article posted at
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