New report harvests data on global Cottonseed Market

Cottonseeds, as the name suggests, are seeds of the cotton plant. Their nutrient-rich properties make them an ideal source of food for livestock. In the following report, you'll learn more about the global cottonseed market and where it's headed.

Cottonseeds are classified as the seeds of mature cotton plants. In terms of composition, they consist of approximately 60% cotyledon, 32% coat and 8% embryonic root. Once a cotton plant reaches maturity, it's typically harvested by separating the cotton from the seeds. The cotton is packaged and sold for use in clothes and other textile products, whereas the seeds are packaged and sold for other applications.

What are cottonseeds used for exactly? Perhaps the most common application is livestock feed. While cottonseeds are toxic to humans -- they contain they phenol toxin gossypol -- they are not toxic to cows. On the contrary, cottonseeds are beneficial to cows and many other types of livestock because of their nutrient-rich properties. About one-fifth of cottonseed's total nutrients consists of pure protein.

All livestock, of course, need protein to grow and stay healthy, making cottonseeds is an excellent type of livestock feed. When used in livestock feed, the cottonseeds are typically crushed in a large agricultural mill. The mill compresses the cottonseeds, essentially grounding them into a fine powder-like substance. After several rounds of crushing, the cottonseeds are mixed with other grains to create a more balanced level of nutrition that's appropriate for the respective livestock.

In addition to livestock feed, cottonseeds are also used in cosmetic products. More specifically, oil is extracted out of the cottonseeds, after which it's used in moisturizing lotions, soaps, skincare creams and other cosmetic products. Cottonseed oil, like conventional cottonseeds, is rich in nutrients. And because of this, cottonseed oil is frequently used in cosmetic products.

Some types of organic fertilizer contain cottonseeds as a key ingredient. The nutrients in cottonseeds nourish the soil and its surrounding plants and trees. You typically won't find cottonseed as an ingredient in synthetic fertilizers. Rather, it's only used found in organic fertilizers that are devoid of man-made chemicals.

The Global Cottonseed Market Professional Survey 2019 report by HTF Market Intelligence is a comprehensive study of the global cottonseed market. Featuring 105 pages, it scrutinizes the market from all angles. Whether you use cottonseed products or have a financial stake in the market, you should consider buying this report. It offers a complete analysis of the global cottonseed market.

Some of the key cottonseed vendors profiled in this report include Dupont Pionner, Monsanto, Dow AgroSciences, Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd, Kaveri Seeds, Mayur Ginning & Pressing Pvt. Ltd & Longping High-tech. The report further segments the global cottonseed market by end-user applications, product types and key geographic regions.

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