Not all washers feature the same basic design. Some are intended specifically to lock into place. Known as a locking washer, they are used extensively in high-stress applications. The following report analyzes the global locking washers market and where it's headed.
A washer is a type of mechanical fastener that's used in conjunction with a bolt to connect two or more objects. The bolt is driven through the objects, after which it's affixed with a washer on the end. The washer essentially holds the objects together, allowing for a secure connection. With that said, there are several different types of washers, one of which is locking washers.
What is a locking washer exactly? As the name suggests, it's a mechanical fastener that "locks" into place. Like other washers, locking washers are used to connect two or more objects.
The difference between traditional washers and locking washers, however, is that the latter is designed specifically to protect against loosening and unfastening.
Certain applications create significant stress, and over time, the stress placed on a washer may cause it to loosen. Washers used in home appliances, for instance, are susceptible to vibrations. When exposed to vibrations for a prolonged period, a washer may loosen to the point where it's no longer secure. When this occurs, the connected objects may separate. Locking washers are designed to prevent this from happening by locking into place.
When a locking washer is added to a bolt, it won't loosen -- even if and when the locking washer is exposed to stress. Locking washers typically have a coil that presses inward to protect against loosening. It's a simple design that's highly effective at creating a strong connection between the connected objects.
In addition to locking washers, there are also plain washers and spring washers. A plain washer is a traditional washer that's characterized by a circular design. In comparison, a spring washer features a high level of axial flexibility, allowing them to protect against loosening. For maximum protection against loosening and unfastening, however, there's no substitution for a locking washer.
The Global Locking Washers Market to 2026 report by Orian Research is a comprehensive study of the global locking washers market. In this report, you'll learn about current and future projected scenarios associated with the global locking washers market.
This report segments the global locking washers market by several criteria. On the basis of product type, the market is segmented into split locking washer and tooth locking washer. On the basis of end-user application, the market is segmented into automotive and aerospace. The report also scrutinizes some of the leading vendors of locking washers, including Nord-Lock, Shakeproof, Disc-Lock Inc., Schnorr, Titan Fasteners, Hangzhou Spring Washer Co., Ltd, Midwest Acorn Nut Co. and others.
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