TULSA, Okla. - Oct. 13, 2019 - Visualization is the Beginning
Any creative writing article begins with visualization practices. Knowing exactly what one wishes to tell others about sets the whole process of creative thought processes into motion. Anonymous Email Address writes about projects on the world wide web. There is no commerical goal in accomplishing this. The only intent and purpose is to get readers to the websites and hopefully spur them on to make comments, ask questions and engage the sites being written about.
This most unique goal of writing carries with it a license to create. This approach used on the world wide web is one that is taking shape day by day by using the creative thought processes of the author of Anonymous Email Address. Carefully blending, linking and offering perceptions and thoughts possibly not conceived before is a rare beauty in motion to read and follow.
The author of Anonymous Email Address ask readers to do the following:
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Anonymous Email Address
Creating Writing Amplified