ATLANTA - Oct. 9, 2019 - Science, Engineering and Mathematics Link Inc. (SEM Link) through its Math and Science Career Academy is launching its STEM in the City Workshop Series. This program, which is supported by the Jack and Jill of America Foundation, will expose youth to earth and environmental sciences. In this workshop series, STEM professionals that work in the field such as environmental scientists, urban farmers, wildlife biologists , will engage students in "research" projects at parks, their farms or field sites. "Earth and Environmental Sciences are STEM fields that impact our everyday lives; however, there aren't many youth that are interested in pursuing these careers. Our STEM in the City Workshop series will provide an opportunity for youth learn about these fields by seeing firsthand what these STEM professionals do every day and engaging hands on activities" states Ms. Tokiwa T. Smith SEM Link Founder and Executive Director. SEM Link plans to host six STEM in the City workshops in various site in Metro Atlanta in the 2019-20 Program year.
The first STEM in the City workshop will take place on Sunday, November 3 at Piedmont Park. Wildlife Biologists, Corina Newsome a graduate student at Georgia Southern University and Jason Ward of the Audubon Society, will engage youth in an urban birding activity in the park. Youth will learn techniques for Urban Birding such as how to use binoculars and bird guides and how to write field notes. "Birds are one of the most commonly encountered wildlife in people's daily lives, but their beauty and diversity often goes unnoticed. We are in a time when our natural world is in desperate need of preservation, but it won't happen unless people are connected with the natural world around them. As kids who grew up in the city, we understand just how large that disconnect can be, so we take every opportunity to introduce others to what drew our attention to the world around us: birds. But using birds as a vehicle to prompt care for the planet does not only benefit the planet--it makes every trip outside an adventure, and every organism a world of its own to be explored." states Corina Newsome. The STEM in the City Urban Birding workshop is free and open to the public, space is limited, and pre-registration is required, all youth that attend the workshop must be accompanied by an adult. You can register online at
SEM Link