LOS ANGELES - Oct. 7, 2019 - Newly released data compiled and analyzed by The Chronicle of Social Change, the nation's leading news outlet covering child welfare and juvenile justice, suggest that the United States is on the downside of its most recent foster care surge. According to The Chronicle's third annual Who Cares reporting project, which tracks the foster care population and housing capacity nationwide, while capacity is up nationwide, challenges remain. For example, many states are still struggling with foster care capacity and there are disturbing trends in foster care rates among black and Native American children in several states.
More states are relying on relatives and unrelated kin, as well, with many kinship caregivers not receiving resources or financial support from the child welfare system. Furthermore, with the looming Family First Prevention Services Act about to go into effect, limiting funds for group homes and congregate care, twenty states are still seeing a significant rise in congregate care.
What: National Press Call to discuss Foster Care Capacity Trends
When: Thursday, October 10, 2019 at 10:00 am PST.
Who: Daniel Heimpel, publisher, Fostering Media Connections
John Kelly, editor, Chronicle of Social Change
To register for the call go to: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/2115689179283/WN_4yQekn2vQTOxm4tm6WHWJg
To access the embargoed full Who Cares project, visit: www.FosterCareCapacity.com.
Password: foster. Note: Materials embargoed for October 10, 2019.
About The Chronicle of Social Change
The Chronicle of Social Change is a nonprofit, nonpartisan daily news publication dedicated to covering the child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health and educational issues faced by vulnerable children and families. Published by Fostering Media Connections, The Chronicle is one of the most widely read outlets for people working and interacting with these systems, and a key driver of investigative and breaking-news journalism that impacts public policy and practice.
About Fostering Media Connections
Fostering Media Connections (FMC) is a nonprofit news organization that uses a mix of investigative, accountability and solution-oriented journalism to drive reform within the systems that serve vulnerable children, youth and their families. To do this FMC publishes a daily news site, The Chronicle of Social Change, and a print magazine, Fostering Families Today. Both have won numerous journalism awards.
Fostering Media Connections
Jennifer Devlin