MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - Oct. 5, 2019 - This Dot Inc., a leading web development consultancy, launched its new website (, which offers much more than just information on its products and services. The company is also using its site to help developers, and industry leaders, better understand the purpose and practice of Javascript development.
One of their most exciting new initiatives, which has debuted alongside the website, is a series of "Enterprise-Level" tutorials. These thirty minute videos, covering various frameworks, introduce prospective developers to best practices for writing the types of applications used by the world's largest companies. This new series, however, clearly reflects the company's intention to place increased focus on educating new developers, and helping them land their first junior level positions.
But this mission doesn't stop with tutorials. Earlier this year, This Dot announced their Open Source Apprentice program, which provides a pathway for individuals to get the hands-on experience they need to bridge the gap between technical education, and landing their first jobs. As Lee puts it, "We hope companies see this as not only a business solution but also a way to change their diversity ratios now. The best part about the program is that, you can hire our apprentices after working with them."
The website also includes a trove of helpful information for business leaders and C-level executives. Under the website's case study section, you can read all about some of This Dot's past projects, with easily digestible break-downs of the problems presented to their development team, as well as how their developers supported the client teams, and why they implemented the technologies they did. For lighter fair, visitors can check out the site's blog section, where This Dot's team of developers store their fascinating articles ranging from high level tutorials, to stories about companies that are employing some of the same cutting-edge technologies with which the consultancy works.
By recruiting some of the industry's top talent, This Dot has put together an all star team of developers. Trusted by major companies, including American Airlines, Red Hat, Groupon, and ING, This Dot has committed to their mission of delivering unrivaled service, and pioneering technical solutions. "Our developers come from all over the world, and give our team an unparalleled breadth of technical experience, and perspectives," says Operations Manager, Eva Howe, "Just the fact that they took it upon themselves to develop this new website around their other projects goes to show how much they really care about sharing who we are and what we stand for."
Eva Howe, This Dot Labs