SOUTHLAKE, Texas - Sept. 24, 2019 -Ryan Skelly has spent 20 years investing in and managing real estate, oil and gas, and financial products for corporations and families. Working for global companies like ExxonMobil and Goldman Sachs, he has worked on quarter billion-dollar acquisitions and generated tens of millions of dollars of annual profits. This experience taught him the power of leverage and the value of relationships.
As a founder of a start-up energy consulting firm, Ryan understands the importance of remaining nimble to outperform larger competitors. He appreciates the challenges of managing cash flows through uncertainty and marketing fluctuations when you don't have the resources of a Fortune 500 company to bail you out.
These two groups of experiences led to the launching of Today's successful executive, entrepreneur and working professional never has enough cash on hand to be an attractive risk to banks and lenders who are still using rigid forms and risk management models that are decades old. Ryan Skelly understands, and appreciates, the facts that scare away, or delay, traditional bankers. Are you:
• Needing to close in 45 days or less
• Wanting a fast answer and technologically smooth process
• Too high a loan to value for one property, but have equity elsewhere
• Building a home and don't want to have to sell your old home before starting
• Buying or building a second home or investment property
• Getting divorced and managing equity
• Earning most of your income from commissions, bonuses, K1s or 1099s
• Looking to free up cash from equity for renovations, improvements or investments
• Seeking a personal advisory relationship over a cold banking transaction combines the benefits and experience of a 25 year old mortgage company with the technology and creative problem solving of a start-up. In partnership with Willow Bend Mortgage, has access to billions of dollars of capital without the red tape of a bigger bank. They underwrite the lender in-house, with a more holistic approach, and look at your complete situation and all of your assets.
Whether you are looking to close faster, or just avoid the endless financial forensics, call them so you can get back to your successful endeavors.
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Ryan Skelly