You don't know who you really are

CALIFORNIA CITY, Calif. - Sept. 21, 2019 - The latest book by Pierre A. Kandorfer proves that we can't trust our mirror and are not aware that we don't know who we really are.

Honestly, do you really know your true identity? Your true identity is probably not what you think it is. It depends on thousands of factors such as your childhood experience, education, lifestyle, habits, secret and open desires, and much more. Your conscious "knowledge" about who you are is also determined by the fact who you want to be or who you hate to become. What we think we are is nothing but just a self-perception.

Watching ourselves in a mirror or watching our pictures gives us an "impression" who we appear to be - or how we look like. However, you would be terribly surprised how this "image" differs from the truth or the way other people see us.

Whether we want to admit it or not, we don't know ourselves as good as we want to, by far. On an objective scale, others might see us much more "objectively" if they are fair and objective. This book lets you discover your true-self. Pierre's books are available at NeverGiveUpYourDream.US, Amazon, and other book sellers.

Pierre Kandorfer is a veteran journalist with thirty-five years of media background. He wrote thousands of articles, hundreds of TV programs, and a dozen books such as "No More Doubt – Science Confirms the Bible," "Whom Can We Still Trust," "Fight Back Manual," "Find Peace of Mind or Lose Your Mind," in addition to some media textbooks.

Pierre taught media communications, acted as Dir. of Programming of a nationwide TV broadcasting, worked as TV host and producer of a movie series and hundreds of TV shows. He also is a commercial pilot, speaks several languages, and is a proud Christian and passionate Constitutionalist.


Pierre A. Kandorfer, Ph.D.

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