LAS VEGAS - Sept. 17, 2019 - The auto insurance premium that a Nevada driver pays is largely influenced by their driving record. Nevada Insurance Enrollment's auto insurance agents specialize in helping drivers obtain the best coverage available to them, whether they have a good driving record, a bad driving record or no driving record.
When calculating a policyholder's auto insurance premium, an auto insurance provider weighs several factors to determine how likely that customer is to file a claim. The more likely a customer is to file a claim, the more they'll pay for their auto insurance coverage.
While numerous factors are considered, such as where the policyholder resides, their age and whether they rent or own their home, the factor that most significantly affects their premium is their driving record. In fact, if a customer has a bad driving record or they're a new driver, then they can expect to pay significantly more for their auto insurance coverage than someone who has a clean driving record and years of driving experience.
Factors that may drive up a policyholder's auto insurance premium includes how many speeding tickets they have received and when they were issued their most recent ticket or minor infractions such as driving with a headlight out or failing to use their turn signal. There are also more serious offenses that will likely result in a higher premium, such as DWIs and DUIs, leaving the scene of an accident or being the at-fault driver in an accident.
The auto insurance premium of a new driver with no driving record is largely based on other drivers in their age bracket. For that reason, a 16-year-old driver will pay more for auto insurance than a 46-year-old new driver because statistically, teens are more likely to display risky behavior behind the wheel. An older driver with no driving record will pay more than an experienced driver of the same age, but their rates will be lower than those of young drivers.
Regardless of whether an auto insurance applicant has a good driving record, a bad driving record or no driving record, one of the best ways for them to obtain an affordable auto insurance premium is by ensuring that they are getting all of the discounts that they're eligible for. Nevada Insurance Enrollment's auto insurance agents help Nevada drivers make sure that they're not overpaying for coverage and that they're with the best auto insurance provider for their situation.
Learn more:
Nevada Insurance Enrollment
4260 W. Craig Road suite #150-A
North Las Vegas, NV 89032
(702) 898-0554
Nevada Insurance Enrollment
Shelly Rogers