Australia, August 28,2019- Our discussion with Tim focused on various aspects of business communication and the importance of technical writing in achieving business growth and success.
“Most entrepreneurs and established businesses think of technical writing as a document full of jargons and product-centred information, where in fact, it is just the opposite'',said Entwise.
According to the expert technical writer, “Technical writing is a wonderful skill; if mastered, can be used to get the message across with better clarity and conviction.For instance, you and your team have worked hard to develop a product, and now you want to spread the word about it.While describing your product, little do you realise that you are using too much jargon in your document. As a result, somewhere along the way, the intent of engaging with the audience fades away. The focus comes down to the product and its features, whereas your audience is only interested in knowing what’s in it for them.Also, there’s this creator’s bias to always tamper with the effectiveness of your product description.It is crucial to avoid all this if you want to connect with your target audience and make them recognise the value of your product in their lives”.
Here are a few tips offered by Tim Entwisle on how to create effective and persuasive content:
● Before selling, you must market your product, and before marketing, you have to be completely sold on it.
● Short paragraphs and bullet points are easy to skim through, and line breaks create structure and facilitate the reading process.
● Replace overwhelming jargon with easy-to-understand words which convey the meaning and intent without distorting facts.
● Get a second pair of eyes to go over the document before releasing to the public.
If you have ever written a business proposal, then you know how complex and time-consuming this process can be. If you are too busy to create the document in-house, it may be worthwhile to hire an experienced technical writer to create a persuasive, comprehensive, and complete proposal for you.
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