Per Bruce Myles, owner and founder of Proactive Commercial Lending Group, LLC,"a Texas Commercial Lender,"Construction site safety is of the utmost importance and being proactive and vigilant are a necessity on a daily basis. Electricians, carpenters, and other contractors face a number of dangers when on a construction site. There are heavy objects all around, electrical and fire hazards, hazardous materials, and much more. However, when simple ways to improve construction site safety are taken in advance and practiced regularly, the risk of accidents occurring significantly drops.
Simple Ways to Improve Construction Site Safety
All sorts of potential physical injuries are a real possibility when it comes to a construction site. Regardless if it's commercial or residential, the very endeavor creates conditions which can be unsafe at any time. It's vital to not only understand and be aware of such dangers, but also, to take steps to ensure the wellbeing of those on the job. Here are some simple ways to improve construction site safety:
● Keep the area off-limits to trespassing. It's not only contractors who face danger on a construction site, it's also unauthorized personnel. Out of curiosity or looking for materials and tools to abscond, unauthorized individuals make their way onto sites and are exposed to their many dangers. It's very important to secure the site as much as possible to keep trespassers away.
● Store hazardous materials safely away. Before proper disposal, any hazardous materials should be clearly labeled and store safely away. Emergency wash stations and other safety equipment should be readily available, in addition.
● Ensure all contractors are wearing safety gear. When on-site, all contractors should wear safety gear appropriate to the situation. Unnecessary tragedies can be avoided simply by requiring and enforcing wearing of safety gear whenever on-site.
● Get medical attention immediately if symptoms appear. If a contractor is exposed to something dangerous, it is imperative to seek proper medical attention immediately. When an injury does occur, try to remain calm and call 9-1-1. Check on the safety of others when the injured party is being treated.
● Do not leave tools, equipment and materials on-site, overnight. Though most contractors are protective of their tools and equipment, in some instances, even the most vigilant will leave tools, equipment, and various materials on-site overnight. This should not be allowed as it provides an opportunity for unauthorized individuals to come on-site.
Have a rehearsed, easy-to-follow evacuation plan posted in conspicuous places. There should be an evacuation plan in-place and rehearsed for the safety and protection of all contractors. Drills ought to be conducted so all contractors are aware of what to do in the event of an emergency.
Proactive Commercial Lending Group, LLC was formed back in 2003 by Bruce Myles with the thought that many good, hard working business owners were not getting the Banking Services they needed to survive, maintain and grow their business. This was due to the restrictions on banks (FDIC) or banks not willing to take a chance on their own customers and communities (or Lazy Loan Officers)!Contact for more information
Proactive Lending Group