Your eyes are more than just a window to your soul. They are one of the five important senses via which you register impressions of the things around you. Diminished vision, brought on by age, poor nutrition or autoimmune diseases, can affect the way you go about your life. With the availability of prescription glasses and lenses, you can prevent complete loss of sight. But the costs that come with these treatments rule them out as a solution for all.
The recently launched “How to Improve Eyesight” program gives you a natural way to regain eyesight. It dispenses with the need for eyeglasses and expensive lenses. The program is an eBook with a detail on the three main exercises you can follow to better vision. It does not use any medications, laser treatments or surgical procedures. The program is created by Viktor Medvedev, Russian scientist. It has been developed after almost 20 years of research and in-depth surveys. With this program many patients around the world have already cured their myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.
What is it that exercises can do for your eyes and eyeglasses and lenses can’t? According to creator Viktor Medvedev, lenses and eyeglasses correct vision by adjusting the viewing angle for you. The exercises enlisted in the “How to Improve Eyesight” program rectify the problem at a deeper level. There are six muscles surrounding the eyes – superior oblique, superior rectus, lateral rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus and inferior oblique. The eye exercises suggested in the program train and strengthen these muscles surrounding the eyes. They restore the natural ability of the muscles to lengthen and shorten the eyeball for a clear viewing of remote and close objects.
The “How to Improve Eyesight” program includes a detailed 30 minute exercise schedule. It includes step-by-step instructions for the exercises making it easy to follow them and perform. The program has proven to work for all irrespective of age and gender. The feature that earns this eye exercise routine brownie points is the ability to perform the exercises anywhere and at anytime. The program also pays equal attention to diet as a means to improve eyesight. There is a meal plan, with what foods to eat and when to eat to optimize the results from exercise. It also gives you other tips on how prevent age-induced loss of vision, how to protect your eyes and natural ways to ease headaches caused by eye tension. The program promises positive results to all who perform the exercises consistently. The creators however go on to mention that the success rate also depends upon your current diopter. A higher diopter calls for more effort.
Coming to the cost, “How to Improve Eyesight” costs only a fraction of what you would be paying for eyeglasses and contact lenses. The actual price of the package is $147. But there is a special offer if you order now. You can get it for only $47. You can enjoy three bonuses namely an eye-testing chart to track and record your progress, cards for eye exercises and a subscription to a private VIP email list. You will buy not only the program, but also get constant support. There is also a 365 day, 100% unconditional money-back guarantee. So, there is nothing to lose!
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