DUBLIN 18, Ireland -- As 2014 shows us its rear end, a lot of us start to take stock of ourselves and what we’ve accomplished in the past twelve months. Remember all the things you promised yourself you’d have achieved by now? Ok, don’t be too hard on yourself; you’re only human after all! Thankfully, there’s still some time for you to finish this year with a bang. And here’s how:
Should you be grateful for having been offered a job that pays half as much as you used to make a few years ago? Maybe, but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to be ambitious and dream big. You can pout and count the leftover pennies at the end of every month, or you can focus your mind and efforts on building a successful and fulfilling career. Here are three mind shifting questions that will help you along: Why do you do what you do? How can you enjoy what you do more? How can you help more people? The gorgeus Ashton Kutcher said it best when he said “don’t just live a life, build a life.”
This is a perfect time to review friendships and relationships. Always taking into account we’re all flawed humans trying to do our best (most of us anyway) , why not start with you. Have you been the best friend/partner you can be this year? The chances are you’ve put your foot in it a couple or a couple of hundred times, and that’s ok. But the question is, how can you be a better friend/ partner from now on? Next, identify any “dead weights”, as in people who are just not on your wavelength at all; unsupportive people, saboteurs, haters, energy vampires… call them what you will, but life is simply too short for sourpusses. Throw any excess “sand” overboard so you can rise and soar up like an eagle!
Be honest with yourself and your trainer, the only plateau you’ve hit this year is a plateau of tortellinicarbonara and a few glasses of wine, ok a bottle. Your motivation is not going to come back by magic on January 1st, so if you really want to fit into that super cute Wang for H&M scuba dress, you need a new strategy fast! Motivation experts say highly disciplined people are not necessarily more motivated than you and I (thank heavens for that!), instead they start a chain of events and make sure they don’t break the chain. Pro-trick: use a simple wall calendar to cross off with a big X the days you work out. Try to get your X’s together, as opposed to on alternate days. Once you start to see lots of X’s and your brain starts to notice a pattern, you won’t want to break the chain!
When was the last time you met someone new? We tend to get so caught up with the friendships we already have and the habits of a lifetime, we sometimes forget there’s a big world out there filled with billions of wonderful people. A personal mentor once told me the trick to finding your soulmate is making sure you meet as many people as possible. The more people you meet, the more chances you have of meeting your soulmate, whether your soulmate will be your partner or your BFF. To maximize your chances of meeting your soul mate, widen your horizons. Instead of hitting the same club every weekend, try a new club, a comedy gig, a theatre play, the museum of contemporary art, a salsa class or a cookery course. Not only will you meet some new cool people, you’ll also learn new skills, and who knows what will develop from there..?
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a new outcome. So if you want to finish this year with a clean mental health bill and bang, and start the new year with a “kapow!”, why not start to implement these tips right now?
For more information visit http://www.dublinnlplifecoach.com or email Anna at anna@delite.ie
Anna Aparicio Coaching