Acrylic Plexiglas can be challenging to work with for those who have not experienced doing so yet. While glass might be the material of choice for others, Plexiglas can be a boon to work with since it is easier to manipulate than glass and is less fragile to sudden breakage. But knowing how to properly polish Plexiglas is key to using the material correctly and professionally.
There are a number of necessary tools when working with Plexiglas. It is highly recommended that you have them present to reduce the chances of messing up your work and wasting both time and money. Check your local hardware shops for the following:
Protective eyeglasses
Protective work gloves
Sanding blocks
Edge scraper
Novus #2 or Novus #3
Grit sandpaper (100, 320, 400 and 600 grit)
MAPP gas torch
•Safety First. Always keep in mind that safety should always come first. If you have never worked with these items before, it might be better to ask for professional help instead of handling it alone. Plexiglas might not suffer from the brittleness that characterizes glass; however, it still can be dangerous to work with for the uninitiated. Plexiglas, can crack when exposed to certain solvents. But due to the weight and ease of cutting Plexiglas (compared to that of Glass), it is fast becoming a material of choice for windows, lamps, and many other things.
•Deal with the rough edges. Carefully study the edges of the Plexiglas sheets and sand them down using either the standing block or one of the sandpapers (preferably the 100-grit one). Take your time as you do so, to avoid any accidental injuries. Try to maintain a constant angle as you sand, to give the edge a more professional look. If the edge needs to be beveled, then use the edge scraper after sanding the edges down. You want to end with a smoother edge that will lend well to a more detailed final look. Deeper looks will require the use of sandpaper (400 or 600 grit) instead.
•Smooth out the edges. Once you have given the Plexiglas the designs and beveled edges you prefer, smooth out the edges with the use of the router. The router should be followed by sandpaper (320 grit) to further remove any unwanted inconsistencies on the edge’s surface. Afterwards, use the MAPP gas torch to finish the job. Run the MAPP’s flame along the edge of the Plexiglas, being careful not to run the fire over the rest of the piece. Be wary of using too much heat and melting the Plexiglas as well.
•Clean it. Once you are done with designing and smoothing out the Plexiglas, it is time to clean it and let it once again shine. Mild abrasive polishes such as Novus #2 or Novus #3 can be used to smoothen out the final details and bring back the sheen of the Plexiglas. Heavier scratches might need the use of a buffing wheel and compound. A good rule is – if the scratch cannot be felt with your fingernail, Novus should be enough.