CAIRO, Egypt -- Since the year of 2011 and many countries in the Middle East like (Egypt, Tunis, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Iraq) are facing challenges that affects their economy, market and sales. As business owner and investor you should be worry about how your sales management and salespeople will change their strategies, tactics and tasks to capitalize on the opportunities that will present them-selves during the crises and down economic times? It is important that your team not do anything now that will risk your sales when the downturn is over.
There are critical changes that successful sales organizations should implement to make the best and the most of tough economic times. The ISMC designed sales solutions for enterprises facing challenges in sales in the Middle East. These solutions will help the organizations to keep selling and achieve the sales targets even during the tough economic times. However, every organization is different and every market and industry is different, so the way your organization applies these changes will depend on your unique situation.
To download the training event brochure visit
Who will benefit from this training event?
This training event ideally designed for the following
• Every sales responsible wants to overcome the economic challenger s that affecting sales
• Sales managers and sales deputy managers
• Regional sales managers
• Head of sales departments
• Direct sales and account managers
• Sales executives & representatives
• All employees within the departments of sales, marketing and customer care in the public sector and the private sector
The main objectives for this training event
• Sustaining sales performance in crisis times or downturn
• Understand the new buyer behavior in the Middle East
• Find new customers can buy in the downturn economy
• Understand why salespeople fail to sell during the crisis time
• Deal with sales challenges and the effective selling actions
• Make the proper changes to sell during the down economy
• Set sales goals and know how to achieve it
• Use the best sales strategies to improve sales success
The topics that will be discussed during the event
Day One:
• Introduction about the economic crisis times
• The revolution of today’s buyer
• The Ideal salesperson habits for today’s buyer needs
Day two:
• Immediate emergency actions to ignore sales revenue drop
• The required changes to sell during the tough economic times
Day Three:
• New sales strategies to success in an uncertain economy
• Tips to increase selling in a down economy
• Summary and action plan
How to register and attend?
• The registration fee is $450 per person
• The price includes the following:
- Attend the training event
- Tuition for all covered topics
- Certificate of attendance accredited from The International Sales Management Council
- Training kit includes material and branded stationary
- Drinks, refreshments and snakes are served during breaks
• For Registrations;
- Download the training event brochure visit
- Online please visit
- Send registration request to
Date and time
• From16 to 18 August 2014
• From 9 AM to 3 PM
Duration and Days
• 3 days (18 hours)
• From Saturday to Monday
• Nile City Towers - Corniche El Nil Cairo, Egypt
Events Team