You've already read all the advice about getting your ex boyfriend back. The one common thread you see over and over again is about how vitally important it is to use the no contact rule to get him interested again. You understand completely the premise of it. No talking to him for a few weeks, right? Sounds easy enough but we both know it's near impossible if every thought you have involves your ex in some sense. You fight with yourself every minute of the day to resist the temptation to just call him up and see how he is. You've probably given in a few times, haven't you? Don't berate yourself too much. All of us have done it. Tomorrow is another day though. You can start afresh with a plan in place so you can resist the urge to call your ex boyfriend.
Utilizing the compassion of your best friend and family is one of the most effective ways to resist the urge to call your ex boyfriend. Sit down with them and explain that you're struggling with the temptation to call him. Be honest and upfront with them about the fact that you are indeed using the no contact rule because you want to reignite his interest. They need to know that you're trying your best and that you really require their help to succeed. More than likely they'll offer you the opportunity to call them when you feel the overwhelming desire to call him. They'll also be able to spend time with you which will help keep your mind off him.
One of the best ways to avoid calling your ex boyfriend is to immerse yourself in something consuming and interesting. If you've always wanted to take a course on a particular subject, do that now. Maybe you've been putting off getting back to the gym. You can spend some time there every evening and you'll not only feel better, you'll look great too. Also, don't overlook the idea of volunteering each week. You just need to find something that interests you that will eat up a lot of your time and energy.
It's advisable to enforce the no contact rule for minimum two weeks. If you can find the willpower to push that to three or four weeks that's even better. Just look at this challenge as a daily journey. If you can wake up each day determined to not call him and you have plans to focus on during that day, you'll succeed. You'll be glad you did once your ex boyfriend has time to think and starts to really realize how much he needs you.
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Peter Paul