Can I get my ex girlfriend back if they are asking for more space? It may sound strange to think that you can get your ex back just by giving them space, BUT you can! You see, when your ex asks for space, she is asking for time to heal and work through things alone. They are also testing you to see if you will change and become the person they desire in the meanwhile; THUS space is probably the best thing you could ever give your ex.
Therefore, if your ex girlfriend is asking for space, you SHOULD give them space; BUT in the meanwhile that doesn't mean that there aren't things you can't do to win them back! Here are 3 ways to win your ex back regardless of them asking for space:
Move On - Your ex girlfriend wants space, well you want to move on; at least that's what your ex needs to think. You see, people fear abandonment, and they also fear the unknown. Your ex isn't sure if someone else out there will like them as much as you did, or if she will find a mate who knows what she want or desire etc.... so that is scary. Likewise, your ex doesn't want to be left alone completely, and by appearing to move on, you make your ex feel like they are being left.
Since it's much more difficult to find someone new, your ex will go back to familiar territory: you. Your ex will come back and will try and get back together with you, because that is more comfortable, familiar, and easy than having to start over again.
Disregard Your Ex - If your ex asks for space, it's not the same thing as them telling you to leave them alone forever. In essence, space is leaving a window of contact open; and it's a comfort zone for your ex. Your ex girlfriend likes the idea of still having you available and around; BUT you should not give in to that desire, because it makes your ex take you for granted.
Instead, you should disregard your ex girlfriend, and cut off contact completely. When you do this, you drastically reduce the time you have to wait, because your ex will notice that you aren't coming around at all and will get scared that you are moving on, or that you are dating again etc...
This fear will drive your ex to come back, and will make your ex miss you and think about you even more.
Close The "Personal" Doors On Your Ex - When your ex comes back, she will want to know if you are still single, and will want to know what you have been doing. Naturally, you will want to tell your ex everything; but for the sake of suspense, and generating interest again, you will not; so that your ex will start to chase you and desire you again.
When you withhold information from your ex girlfriend, and close the 'personal' doors, your ex will instantly want MORE. This is because you had given your ex a taste of it before, but are now taking it away; a hot and cold effect which leads your ex to always try and get more from you.
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James Pan