When you're gambling with a relationship, you can do everything in your power to make it work but sometimes the fact remains that you were just dealt crummy cards. Much like splitting 10's in Blackjack can have you feeling like you were punched in the gut it doesn't compare to the feeling of splitting with someone you once loved.
Step 1: Hit On 20: Basically, after a breakup you should get a little wild. You don't necessarily have to become a closet alcoholic but having fun and doing some clubbing is a great way to blow off frustration and let off some steam.
Step 2: Good Deal: Alter your perception of the breakup and don't think of it as a prison sentence. This is your chance to see other people and reconnect with friends. Plus, a great way to get your ex back if that's the plan is to appear unaffected by the split.
Step 3: Face It: "Who's the person in all those pictures on your wall?"
"Oh, that's my ex from high school."
"But...you're 47 years old!"
The best way to deal with a breakup is to face the fact that you're indeed not a couple anymore. There's no way around the pain so the sooner you start to acknowledge the split, the quicker you can heal.
Step 4: Accept It: "We're just on a break. A...29 year break." Dealing with a breakup means counting your losses and moving on. You most likely can't play poker all night if you repeatedly get dealt 2's and 7's so it's time to move on to a different game.
Step 5: Learn & Leave: Think of your breakup as a lesson in life instead of a knife in the back. You did some things right and some things wrong and now's the time to fine-tune your positive traits and improve on your negative qualities. Each relationship is a stepping-stone so that your last partnership is your best one.
Step 6: Don't Be Scarred: Not all potential boyfriends or girlfriends spend their weekly paycheck at the horse track 27 minutes after receiving it. If you meet somebody new, don't bring your fears with you. This is a new person and a whole new relationship you're dealing with and don't blame your new beau for faults of your past exes.
Step 7: Don't Hate The Dealer: As much as you hate the dealer for turning up a blackjack when you had your entire bankroll on the table, they're just playing the cards. Likewise, you'll have a better chance of dealing with a breakup if you drop the hostility towards your ex and simply have the attitude that, "Hey, it didn't work out."
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Charles Mark