Making your ex jealous is relatively easy to do. Moreover, doing this is the best kind of retribution.
The steps below are effective ways on how to get your ex jealous. Just follow them and in time, your ex will feel what it's like to want something he or she can't have.
Step one: Just be Happy
When your ex knows that you're happy even without him/her, that would tear your ex up inside. He or she will feel jealous in the process and miserable at that because now that you are on your own, you turned out to be better than before.
Step two: Act indifferent towards your ex
The scenario here is that your ex asks you questions like "How have you been doing?" Instead of making your reply long, give your ex typical and automatic answers. That will make him or her feel unimportant. You have to do this properly so that your ex will not think that you're holding any grudge against him or her.
Step three: Improve your appearance
This can be done just by having a makeover. When your ex sees that he or she let go of someone attractive, your ex will wonder why he/she had left you in the first place. This will truly make your ex jealous. While you are enjoying your new appearance, your ex would be miserably watching you from a distance.
Step four: Ignore your ex
Starting to ignore your ex will lead to fruitful results. He or she will feel insignificant to you. Though this may be hard at first, just think of the benefits you can get from doing this. The more that you will ignore your ex, the more that the latter's jealousy would get intense.
Step five: Fake a boyfriend or a girlfriend
This is probably the most crucial step in making your ex feel jealous. When your ex finds out that you already have replaced him or her, it will leave him/her devastated with badly damaged ego. Consequently, your ex will feel unimportant in your life.
Step six: Flirt with other men or women when you see him
You can do this step with the help of a friend. By flirting with other individuals, your ex will begin to think that he/she doesn't have a place in your life anymore and that you've moved on. Moreover, you ex will feel terribly jealous towards the supposedly new flame in your life.
Step seven: Never bring out the details of your relationship's past
Never ever talk about your past with your ex because if you do, your ex might think that he/she still matters a lot to you and you don't want that. Act as if you've already forgotten the sordid details of your past. Not only will you look like you've already moved on because of this, your ex will think that your past doesn't even exist to you anymore. This would incite a jealousy inside your ex.
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Charles Mark